Location: Dacia Middle School Oradea, Romania
Time: Oct.6-th 2011
Twelve brave men landed on the Moon in Apollo Program. Successful missions, pictures and original movies with Saturn V lift off and astronauts' EVA activities, which impressed students from 8-th grade from Dacia Middle School Oradea, Bihor county.
Hidden Mysteries of the Moon
Location: Dacia Middle School Oradea, Romania
Time: Oct.6-th 2011
Since ancient times people have seen and admired the sky. The Moon inspired people with her beauty always . Even today we know more about our planet's natural satellite but many mysteries still remain hidden. A NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission aims to reveal some of these mysteries, by using two spacecrafts to orbit the Moon in tandem, thus obtaining data for drawing a gravitational map of the Moon.
Journey on Mars
Location: The Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania
Time: Oct 6-th, 2011
After a brief description of the main space missions to Mars, the members of Astronomy and Space Sciences Club of Oradea, designed, built and programmed two rovers ready to explore Mars.
Curiosity and Exploration are the two robotic rovers built by two groups of members of astronomy and space exploration in Oradea city.