Globe at night

Children's Educational Center Of Oradea, Romania
February 24-th, 2011

Maybe you admired the dark sky in a place with low light pollution. You can see more stars in the sky, but when you look in a city where there are more lights, you can see just few stars.

If you look carefully, in a place where there's less light pollution, you can even see the Milky Way.
Unfortunately, there are people who live in big cities that have never seen a whitish trail in the sky: the Milky Way.
In order to determine the level of light pollution of your city, you must follow these steps:

2. Time of your observation
3. Latitude and longitude of your city
4. Appreciate magnitude of the sky
5. Send your observation data.

Jewelry of winter sky

Children's Educational Center Of Oradea, Romania
February 10, 2011

Look at sky in a clear night sky of February and you will see the true jewels. Orion is the constellation that dominates the winter sky, Canis Major with Sirius, Taurus with Aldebaran, and beautiful Pleiades with baby born stars.
We saw Jupiter and the Moon through our telescope.