The Moon, Earth's natural satellites

December 8, 2011
Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania

On December 10 there will be a total eclipse of the Moon.

Moon rises Saturday at 16:30. Even when maximum eclipse occurs in the month following 25 minutes will remain in the shadows. We can see how the Moon out of the shadow starting at 6:18 p.m. The eclipse will end at 19:30 when the Moon comes out completely and shadows.

Moon, Earth's natural satellite;
Phases of the Moon;
Eclipses of the Moon.

From microcosm to macrocosm

November 17, 2011
Children's Educational center of Oradea, Romania

Evolution of the Universe from the Big Bang until today is fascinating. Subatomic particles, atoms of hydrogen and helium, stars, supernova explosions. Changes of some chemical elements ȋn others by through nuclear reactions. Are just some of the fascinating topics which we discussed them in International Year of Chemistry, 2011.
We can understand the macrocosm only by understanding of the microcosm. Two extreme-sized worlds in the midst of which is Man.

Practice: getting crystals.

Volcanoes, wonders of nature

November 3, 2011
Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania.

Only a few people have the chance to be aboard on International Space Station. NASA, in collaboration with the University of California offers students and the general public the opportunity to admire and study the Earth from the unique perspective of space. Using the Internet, Oradea children have the chance to select and send requests to the places on the Earth's surface to be photographed by astronauts aboard the ISS.

1. Volcanoes, wonders of nature.
2. NASA project.

World Space Week 2011

Apollo Program
Location: Dacia Middle School Oradea, Romania
Time: Oct.6-th 2011

Twelve brave men landed on the Moon in Apollo Program. Successful missions, pictures and original movies with Saturn V lift off and astronauts' EVA activities, which impressed students from 8-th grade from Dacia Middle School Oradea, Bihor county.

Hidden Mysteries of the Moon
Location: Dacia Middle School Oradea, Romania

Time: Oct.6-th 2011

Since ancient times people have seen and admired the sky. The Moon inspired people with her ​​beauty always . Even today we know more about our planet's natural satellite but many mysteries still remain hidden. A NASA's Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory mission aims to reveal some of these mysteries, by using two spacecrafts to orbit the Moon in tandem, thus obtaining data for drawing a gravitational map of the Moon.

Journey on Mars
Location: The Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania
Time: Oct 6-th, 2011

After a brief description of the main space missions to Mars, the members of Astronomy and Space Sciences Club of Oradea, designed, built and programmed two rovers ready to explore Mars.
Curiosity and Exploration are the two robotic rovers built by two groups of members of astronomy and space exploration in Oradea city.

Saturn, the master of rings

Time:September 22, 2011
The Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania

Located at hundreds of million kilometers from Earth, Saturn appears like a "star" seen with the naked eye.Cassini spacecraft continues to send spectacular pictures to Earth since 2004.
Looking at pictures of Saturn we can see its beautiful and delicate rings and its natural satellites, we can find some of the mysteries of this beautiful planets.

Journey around the Earth

Location: The Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania
Time: July 26-th, 2011

The Earth seen from space is amazing. Oceans, seas, islands, lands, rivers, clouds... Just beautiful!

In order to take pictures with  these, the children from Oradea sent their requests to astronauts from ISS.

Go Atlantis!

Time: July 8-th, 2011
Location: The Children's Educational Center of Oradea, Romania

Atlantis space shuttle carried the Columbus and Destiny modules to the International Space Station and made the last flight to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.

On July 8-th 2011, Atlantis achieved its final mission: Ralffaelo logistic module transport to the ISS. This was the last flight of an American space shuttle.

After a virtual tour around Atlantis on launch pad and Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, we watched  the launch live on NASA TV.
... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and Lift off, Atlantis!

Advanced Space Academy

Locations: Huntsville, AL and KSC, FL
Time: June 18-24, 2011

It has been my great privilege to participate in Honeywell Educators at Space Academy, in Huntsville AL, and Kennedy Space Center, FL.
I really enjoyed all activities in Huntsville and the visit at KSC.
Every moment spent with peers was great and memorable.

Everything was great!  Thank you Honeywell! Thank you all!