Future scientists eTwinning project


1. Chemistry experiments

2. Physics experiments

3. Online astronomical observation using the 2.0 m telescope from Hawaii

4. Scientists


Future Scientists is a eTwinning project that involve students an teachers from different countries in Europe. They discusses science topics interdisciplinary, sharing their experiences and exchanging ideas with peers from different schools, using the online environment offered by the eTwinning platform.

In this project, our students will be able to access information in different ways by conducting various experiments, research and investigations. During this project, our students are expected to gain gains such as responsibility, cooperation, and social skills. Results expected from students at the end of the project: It is the development of problem solving, observation, experimentation, scientific, digital and language skills.

Math & Science eTwining project


This project is for students aged 10-15 years. The aim of the project is to develop students' math and science skills by putting students at the center and enabling them to take an active role in the project. While doing this, using the online environment offered by the eTwinning platform, teachers from different countries of Europe will discuss mathematics and its subjects interdisciplinary by sharing their experiences and exchanging ideas with teachers from different schools. Students' digital and foreign language skills will be developed for communication and cooperation. Expected results for students at the end of the project are to develop their problem solving, observation, mathematical, scientific, digital and language skills. As an international environment is created, there will naturally be intercultural exchanges.

Maths and Science Project


This project is for students aged 10-15 years. The aim of the project is to develop students' math and science skills by putting students at the center and enabling them to take an active role in the project. While doing this, using the online environment offered by the eTwinning platform, teachers from different countries of Europe will discuss mathematics and its subjects interdisciplinary by sharing their experiences and exchanging ideas with teachers from different schools. Students' digital and foreign language skills will be developed for communication and cooperation. Expected results for students at the end of the project are to develop their problem solving, observation, mathematical, scientific, digital and language skills. As an international environment is created, there will naturally be intercultural exchanges.The project will be carried out as monthly activities. Our activities in the project: Meeting activities (creating avatars, preparing school boards, recognizing the twinspace area), researching and displaying universal content related to mathematics and science by students on the board, logo/poster competition, promoting the scientists in our country, ecoprinting activity.

Women and girls in Astronomy

 Dacia Secondary School

Oradea, Romania

On February 24-th 2023, I organized an event with my students.

Our event includes power point presentation, information about the impact women and girls have may in astronomy.

In this event participated 30 students, 7-th grade from Dacia Secondary School in Oradea.


Oraselul Copiilor Oradea

22 oct. 10:00-16:00

Evenimentul SciHack este compus din doua parti: una teoretica, de prezentare a cauzelor si efectelor schimbarilor climatice (interpretare imagini obtinute din sateliti, compozitia atmosferei Pamantului, poluarea si gazele cu efect de sera, temperatura, presiune, umiditate, conservarea energiei, scrierea de coduri in Python, utilizand Raspberry Pi) si de gasire a solutiilor pentru incetinirea producerii acestui fenomen. Cea de-a doua parte este una practica de construire a unei centrale eoliene si solare Lego dar si de programare a brick-ului Mindstorms Education astfel incat sa obtinem energie electrica din energie nepoluanta.

Prin organizarea acesui eveniment urmarim dezvoltarea unor abilitati, precum: gandire critica, creativitatea, lucrul in echipa si colaborarea intre echipe, abilitati de comunicare si prezentare a produselor realizate, grija pentru mediu.

Evenimentul propus se bazeaza pe activitati transdisciplinare de motivare a copiilor pentru programare si stiinta (fizica, chimie) care sa dezvolte abilitati sociale, de comunicare, de rezolvare de probleme, de gasire a solutiilor, de leadership, de formare a unei atitudini active de protejare a mediului inconjurator.

Evenimentul este gratuit si se adreseaza copiilor de 10-14 ani, face parte din initiativa Meet and Code.

Evenimentul este finantat cu ajutorul programului Meet and Code (https://www.meet-and-code.org/) sustinut la nivel european de compania de software SAP. Meet and Code 2022 este coordonat de Haus des Stiftens gGmbH si reteaua TechSoup Europe si sustine, pentru al 6-lea an consecutiv, evenimente de tehnologie si programare aliniate cu misiunea initiativei Comisiei Europene: Europe Code Week.

In Romania, programul Meet and Code este coordonat de Asociatia Techsoup. Din 2010, Asociatia Techsoup (https://asociatiatechsoup.ro) creeaza si ofera resurse IT si experiente de invatare a tehnologiei pentru organizatii nonprofit, tineri si profesori. Asociatia Techsoup este castigatoare a premiului Digital Skills Awards, competitie organizata de Comisia Europeana.
Pentru detalii si inscrieri:
Prof Matei Valentina
tel 0748494650


Educational project ORADEAstronomy

Initiator: Matei Valentina, the president  of the Astronomy and Space Science Club of Oradea.
The project team: Daniela Hent, Nicoleta Matei, Mihaela Tarcau, Valentina Matei.
Target group: 500 children (10-16 years old).

Total project value: 10537 lei (2850 USD)
The project is funded by the Oradea Community Foundation, with the support of the Romanian-American Foundation and the Community Foundations Federation in Romania.
The project lasts 6 months (February-July 2018) and includes 10 theoretical, practical and astronomical observations. Eight activities take place in The Children' Educational Center of Oradea and the other two activities at Gymnasium Schools No. 1 Tarian and Cheresig (Bihor County).

The project blog: www.oradeastronomie.blogspot.ro

Meet and Code 2017

During the EU Meet and Code 2017 event, Astronomy and Space Science Club (a NGO organization) from Oradea City, Romania, organized two educational activities: 'Astronaut for a day' and 'Mars Exploration Rover'.
Location: The Children's Educational Center in Oradea, Romania
Time: October 18-th and 21-st, 2017.

'During one of the 30 coding events in Romania, some participants even explored Mars! Organizers of the Mars Exploration Rover event from the Astronomy and Space Science Club in Oradea, showed children the images transmitted by satellites and later moved on to the presentation of a LEGO Mindstorms robot kit. It was an introduction of an exciting task: to design, construct and program their own rovers and explore Mars. The participants built 3D models of the Lego Space Challenge EV3 and learned how to code NXT 2.00 rover for specific tasks. The results were really impressive!'


Thank you SAP, TechSoup Europe and TechSoup Romania!